For some offenders, community service is welcome alternative to jail

In the first days of his 3-month stint as interim East Fork justice of the peace, Senior Judge Steven R. McMorris began the process of introducing community service in sentencing minor offenders.

As a result, the population of the Douglas County Jail has been reduced, and county and nonprofit organizations have realized thousands of dollars in savings by employing offenders whose unpaid labor is valued at $20 an hour.

McMorris enlisted the help of Chief Alternative Sentencing Officer Michael Beam and Tahoe Township Judge Richard Glasson in setting up community service.

Glasson has had the alternative in place in his court for eight years.

So far, the program has placed workers in the Douglas County libraries, senior center, animal shelter, Indian Hills General Improvement District, area thrift shops, parks, the town of Genoa and the Carson Valley Arts Council.

McMorris said community service participants are carefully screened and the alternative is regulated by Nevada Revised Statute.

"We don't want the public to think we're dumping hard-core criminals on the community. These are minor offenders. Some are indigent and don't belong in jail because they can't pay a ticket or fines," he said. "We're not putting criminals in positions that cause problems in the community."

He said community service is not in lieu of payment for offenders who can afford their fines.

"We make sure the county gets their money," he said.

David Dubra of Gardnerville elected community service in lieu of 48 hours jail time for a first offense of driving under the influence.

The 61-year-old was placed at Douglas County Senior Center in Gardnerville and was grateful for the opportunity to remain out of jail.

Dubra said he would work at the senior center with pride.

"I'm not crying about it," he said. "I am quite willing to do it. I'll bust my butt for them."

Dubra said because of his wife's health, he was unable to leave her alone for 48 hours had he gone to jail.

"I am not ashamed," he said. "Everybody makes mistakes. I went to court and I took my medicine."

Tammy McComb is food supervisor for the senior center and in charge of the community service workers.

Participants like Dubra are not certified to handle food, so they do dishes, set tables and clean up.

"I think it's a great program," McComb said. "What they are providing to the community is more beneficial than the punishment of jail."

She said the offenders are treated with dignity by the staff and the seniors.

"The seniors treat them just as though there weren't in trouble. They're here to do their hours, but I can tell you so many people said, 'This is so great. I am going to come back and volunteer when I am done.'"

McComb working with seniors has been educational, especially for younger offenders.

"I've never had a senior complain to me or feel uncomfortable around a community service worker," she said.

McComb said their work has helped fill the void created by reduced staff hours and county budget cuts.

"They're human and they have made mistakes. Sometimes when they come in, they are so embarrassed and humiliated. I always give them a pep talk to hold their heads up high and that they'll get so much out of it. They're already ashamed. It's not my job to shame them anymore," McComb said.

Glasson estimated that his court is responsible for generating about 8,000 hours of community service a year.

He said offenders sentenced to community service can be placed in any Nevada government agency or charitable or nonprofit organizations.

"We're pretty proactive in trying to find community service," Glasson said. "In some cases, community service is mandatory such as domestic violence. It can be hard to place a domestic violence offender. A lot of places in Reno work with hard cases."

Glasson said offenders are allowed to use community service to work off fines.

"Most of our offenders are normal, ordinary, responsible people who self-correct their behavior. We're not dealing with rich folks in court. Putting them in jail doesn't achieve compliance with anything and it costs money. The sheriff says it's $100 a day to house an offender. If I can turn that into community service work valued at $20 an hour, I'll take it," Glasson said.

Recreation specialist Anthony Davis is the community service coordinator at Stateline.

Beam runs the program in Carson Valley.

"This has been a huge consideration for some of our clients," Beam said. "They don't lose their jobs. We're also serving a young adult population enrolled in school and looking for an alternative with school or transportation issues."

Beam said each community service prospect is interviewed so he can determine if there are physical limitations and he can find an appropriate placement.

The program also benefits single parents who may have children at home.

A defendant can be terminated for calling in sick three times, failure to appear, tardiness or unacceptable performance. If they are terminated, they return to the sentencing court for punishment.

Clients may arrange their own community service, but it must be approved by the court which ordered their placement.

"If it's successful, the probationer gets self-esteem and gives back to the community," Beam said.

The judges credited the staffs of justice court and Department of Alternative Sentencing with making the program work.

"We couldn't do this without everyone's help," McMorris said.

Both courts have arrangements to place offenders in other jurisdictions in Nevada.

"We've changed lives," Glasson said. "Anthony (Davis) has some great stories from people who've been able to build up a social network with people other than who they drank with. They've started coming back and volunteering. That's the uplifting part."


Nonprofit agencies interested in applying for community service workers are asked to call Department of Alternative Sentencing, 782-9970 or Tahoe Township Justice Court, 586-7200.


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