Frustrating process


I am glad to live in America with all our freedoms. Once in a while, I am frustrated at our freedom of speech, most recently, as regards to the campaigning of some politicians.

Our last election was a disappointment to me. Not so much in who was voted into office or out of office, but rather in how they used their monies to promote votes for themselves. I feel I still don't know what most of the candidates' platforms were, but more about who they didn't want me to vote for.

I am a positive person and would like to have heard the candidates convey to me what their moral integrity would have allowed them to do or not do for our state and country. I was glad to be able to hear some of the debates. I wasn't interested in what dirt they might search for or try to create in an opposing candidate. My knowledge to choose a rightful candidate was only gained through their political history or debates, certainly not through their advertising.

I am not one to desire government, whether federal or state, control over our lives. I would like to see adults take the responsibility to make the moral judgment to control themselves. But, from what happened in the last state and federal election campaigning, I would like to see an ordinance issued during the campaigning season that states candidates can only promote their own agendas and not berate and bash an opposing candidate. The political candidates would actually have to reveal their platform and be held accountable for it. To me, that would be money spent wisely. Tell me what wonderful things you, as a candidate, would have in mind to benefit our state or country. You would have my attention.

Perhaps I am the only one who was frustrated at the negativity flashed before me on my television, spoken to me over the phone, or read in a newspaper. Is that the "American Way?" Perhaps, even at my senior age, I am an ostrich with my head in the sand. I just know I couldn't have been happier when it was over.

Beverly Giannopulos



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