That's a big boot


The members of the East Fork Professional Firefighters, IAFF No. 3726, would like to thank everyone who contributed to the MDA fill the boot drive last weekend at Walmart. Your local firefighters collected over $4,000 because of your generous donations.

We would especially like to thank Angela Woods, store manager at the Topsy Lane Walmart for the location, East Fork Fire Chief Tod Carlini for donating the use of the retired fire engine and firefighter turnouts, the regional MDA chapter for their help, The Record-Courier, and our off-duty firefighters for volunteering their time. Together everyone made this a record-breaking fund raiser. The money collected will go to MDA research, our local area MDA camp program, and local MDA families in need of assistance.

Walt Kesteloot

PR Chairman, IAFF No. 3726



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