A true Samaritan


I stopped last on Aug. 30, at an automated teller machine in Stateline to transfer some money and then do a cash withdrawal. I was on my cell with my elderly mother getting some prescription information from her while driving off towards home. I was a good mile or two up the Kingsbury Grade when I was stopped due to construction. While waiting I called back my mom to say I had ordered her prescription when a lovely young lady knocked on my window. She had taken the time to chase me up the hill in her car with the money I had withdrawn at the ATM but left in the machine. I was so stunned that I did not properly thank her. She quickly got into her car, turned around, and headed back down the hill.

It happened so fast and I felt badly that I had not said how much I appreciated her. I hope she sees this and wanted her to know what an angel she was to take the time to find me and give me my money. God bless you.

Sher Hutchings



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