Jets not invited


A day when John Garvin and I agree happens rarely. Today, we do. While we each support the pending airport ordinance for different reasons, we both support its passage.

I believe that the airport business and flying communities, including those who choose to utilize our airport for its magnificent soaring, need certainty in the airport's operation. On an ongoing basis, the proposed ordinance provides just that certainty as well as giving voters a voice in how the airport develops going forward.

The ordinance does not invite jets, does not short change soaring, does not benefit a small minority. Rather, it benefits all of the taxpayers, you and me included, in Douglas County. Generating operating funds, rather than taking them from the county's general fund is nothing at which to sneeze in this perilous business climate. We must do everything we can to ensure that the airport is maintained as an asset and doesn't become a drain on our county's resources.

I urge you to join me and vote yes for our local community airport.

Cheryl Blomstrom

Jacks Valley


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