Thanks for the support


The Sustainable Living and Renewable Energy Roundup educational non-profit would like to thank everyone who participated in the Green Living Festival on Sept. 11 and made it such a fun and rewarding event. The weather was perfect and we had a great time learning, sharing, and networking over ways to improve our comfort, food quality, and self-sufficiency while being kinder to the planet.

We are grateful to GE Energy for their generous donation, without which we'd be struggling to pay for this event, and to Douglas Disposal, McClain's Mobile Music, and Sierra Creek Graphics for their donation of services. Thanks to Russell's Mercantile for the awesome bread rolls for the sun ovens, Kim Mileo for the cookie dough, and Walmart for smoothie supplies for the bike blender.

Thanks to the exhibitors who helped finance this event, set up some great booths and hung out all day - may you have many new customers as a result! And thanks to Bob Tregulis for recruiting the Tesla Roadsters and electric motorcycles, and to the food vendors, Lira's and the Boardroom Chef for feeding us all so we could stay put, eat well, and not miss a thing.

And thank you to the speakers who gave up their Saturday and put together PowerPoint presentations, brought props, handouts, and livestock and shared their knowledge and expertise, all for free. The number one thing our festival goers say they come for and get out of the event is information, and you are a large part of that.

And a big thanks to the volunteers who helped out at the event - regulars Tom and Deb Gardia, Jan Walls, Jean Andrews, and Austin Willis, as well as kids from 4-H, the DHS Environmental Club, Master Gardeners, Great Basin Outdoor School, and Norah Gastelum's students.

And lastly, to The Record-Courier for their support, the Town of Gardnerville and the Parks & Recreation Department for being a joy to work with, and the Extension office staff who we impose on endlessly, yet they still let us in the door.

Let's do it again next year. Keep up with future events at, including a tour of the Ormat geothermal facility Nov. 10.

Vicki Bates for the roundup crew, Barry, Katherine, Steve, Linda, Norah, Mistia, and Jim



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