Wrong on airport


I read John Hannon's "Reasons to vote no" in absolute disagreement.

Mr. Hannon opposes adopting an enforceable airport ordinance. He suggests spending the next two years to draft another one. Why not at least get an enforceable ordinance now? Who knows what delays will get in the way of progress? At least we have a proposed ordinance supported by the FAA, District Attorney and the result of two years of public input before us now. And the airport will begin to receive the FAA funding that has been suspended because our current ordinance is discriminatory and unenforceable.

What makes Mr. Hannon think a better ordinance would result from two, or more, additional years? Why didn't he and the vocal handful of naysayers participate and create the ordinance he now wants to propose?

Hannon's states "lease owners are waiting for the county to get rid of the weight based ordinance and degrade or eliminate gliders." This irresponsible statement is so baseless it demonstrates just how far out of touch his opposition is to this proposed ordinance. The proposed ordinance establishes constraints based on weight and supports the plan for a world class soaring facility.

Hannon's weight discussion serves no purpose other than to confuse and obfuscate this issue. The weight is the weight. The authoritatively established weight is what the county and FAA will use. All hype about different studies or inadequate studies are irrelevant because whatever weight is ultimately established will be relied upon. The proposed ordinance relies on far more effective infrastructure limits to achieve the rural community airport we all desire.

Finally, Mr. Hannon may be a glider pilot. I am, too. I am a former national sports class soaring champion. I have listened to Mr. Hannon's rants for years. I have yet to hear what he wants. He is all about what he doesn't want. Claiming the proposed ordinance will be the "death of soaring in our Valley" is absurd. The proposed ordinance provides for the rebirth and growth of soaring in our Valley.

Let's move forward. Vote "yes" on 1.

Mike Bradford

Former Minden-Tahoe Airport

Advisory Committee president

Zephyr Cove


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