Seeking fair election


Waldo, Waldo, Waldo, what are we going to do with you? You really must learn to look at the people who gave you a chance to represent us, as your equals. Whatever or whoever gave you the idea that we are not as intelligent or as learned as you, fooled you, ha ha, joke's on you.

Waldo, Waldo, Waldo, at a Washoe Tribal Council meeting in July or August you broke a tie vote that resulted in candidates for tribal chairman, off-reservation and other elected community council seats, not be supplied with tribal mailing lists. And how in the world are we supposed to make intelligent informed selections of our fearless tribal leaders if we are not allowed access to their platforms? We don't use um smoke signals.

Waldo, Waldo, Waldo, why won't you let the tribal Web site post the Tribal Chairman Candidates Forum scheduled for Oct. 2 at the Washoe Housing Authority office from 2-6 p.m? We know Tribal council members have advised you to post the forum announcement on our Web site. You sure are getting out the word on the field hearing in Reno on Oct. 2. Are you setting up your excuse for not being at the Forum. We don't use um smoke signals.

Waldo, Waldo, Waldo, apparently neither you nor the other 10 council members know that they have and are the final vote in all tribal issues, meaning they have the authority to override any decision you make. Are they under your spell?

Waldo, Waldo, Waldo, the field hearing in Reno with Sen. Dorgan will last for only two hours, it starts at 1 p.m. That gives you plenty of time to get back to Dresslerville and face the people. Just like the other candidates will do. Oh, there is a meeting scheduled for Oct. 20 in Las Vegas specifically for the "13th Nevada Area Office" and you already have your packet.

Remember we're not stupid.

Waldo, Waldo, Waldo, what are we going to do with you? You advocate the importance of democracy, "after all, democracy provides us the opportunity to commit to our moral compass, allowing us to exercise our ethics, which ultimately will reflect through our actions in our home-life, at our work places, and in all other aspects of our lives. We Washoe are proud, strong, capable Americans, and have the right and ability to be heard every time we exercise our right to vote!" (June 2010, Tribal Talk, Chairman's Corner, The Importance of Democracy. These are your words.)

Waldo, Waldo, Waldo, what are we going to do with you? Let's have an open and fair election. Oppression is ugly and Creator doesn't approve of it.

Andrea James-BigGoose



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