The R-C Morning Report

A four-car accident on Kimmerling Road on Monday morning was caused when one driver looked down at his iPod and looked up just in time to see the brake lights ahead of him. The driver, Jarrod Allen Pounds, 25, was taken into custody for driving under the influence of marijuana. He gave a blood sample.

The Wolf Creek fire is still burning and grew to 1,142 acres. Firefighters are still on scene monitoring the fire and will continue to do so until first snow. There may the occasional puff of smoke rising from the fire.

Tiller's Folly is playing at the CVIC Hall tonight in Minden. Admission is $17 for members and $20 for non-members. For more information e-mail

The heat wave is supposed to break today, but that doesn't mean that it won't get into the 90s first. It was 93 degrees at the airport on Wednesday. It's cooling off a little this morning with 53 degrees in the Gardnerville Ranchos, 46 degrees in Minden and 50 degrees in Genoa.


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