Athletic center site, design up for board approval

A conceptual site and building design concept for the multi-purpose athletic complex is up for possible board action Thursday when the Carson City Board of Supervisors meets.

Staff will ask for approval of the plan based on the new strategy that supervisors approved on Feb. 17. The new plan improves site access, programmability and supervision of the facility.

In addition, staff is seeking direction from the board to proceed with hiring Valentiner Crane Architects as the project designer.

Officials also are scheduled to discuss or take action on the following items:

• The Carson City performance scorecard

• Expenditure of funds to nonprofit organizations

• An updated city investment policy

• A zoning change to property located south of Northridge Drive and east of Roop Street from single family 6000 to public community

• An agreement between the Redevelopment Authority, Carson City and Carson Quail Park Management Association for sales tax reimbursement to the property owner for new retail tenants established in existing vacant retail space by July 1, 2012

• An agreement between the Redevelopment Authority, Carson City and First Independent Bank of Nevada, a division of Western Alliance Bank, for sales tax reimbursement to the property owner for new retail tenants established in existing vacant retail space by July 1, 2012

• An agreement between the Redevelopment Authority, Carson City and Sunrise, LLC for sales tax reimbursement to the property owner for new retail tenants established in existing vacant retail space by July 1, 2012

• An agreement between the Redevelopment Authority, Carson City and Tamlin Investments, LLC for sales tax reimbursement to the property owner for new retail tenants established in existing vacant retail space by July 1, 2012.

As the Liquor and Entertainment Board, officials will consider approving Rory Bedore as the liquor manager for the Carson Station Hotel/Casino.

Supervisors will adjourn for lunch and return at 2 p.m. to discuss and possibly take action on the impacts of the governor's 2011 budget and legislation that transfers services previously provided by the state and the assessments against the city for certain services currently provided by the state.

The Carson City Board of Supervisors meets at 8:30 a.m. Thursday in the Sierra Room of the Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St. Go to www. to download an agenda and a complete information packet.


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