Bill seeks to tax water in bottles, jugs

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(AP) - A bill introduced Tuesday would open the door in Nevada for taxes on bottled water and the jugs delivered to the office water cooler.

Democratic Assemblyman Tick Segerblom of Las Vegas is sponsoring AB218, which would exclude bottled water from the tax-exempt category of food. Current law allows taxes only on alcoholic beverages, tonics, vitamins, and prepared food intended for immediate consumption. It keeps taxes off food that provides nutritional value.

The bill defines bottled water as a sealed, calorie-free beverage without sweeteners, but the water may include carbonation, fruit or spice flavoring, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes.

AB218 was referred to the Assembly Committee on Taxation. If passed, it would take effect on July 1.

Co-sponsors are Las Vegas Democrats Assemblyman Paul Aizley, Assemblyman Steven Brooks and Assemblywoman Peggy Pierce.


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