Officials uphold denial of turbine permit

A planning commission denial of a permit to build a 160-foot wind turbine in southeast Carson City was upheld by the Carson City Board of Supervisors on Thursday.

Luke Busby, lawyer for Rainbow Conservation Corps, doing business as the Solar Store, told supervisors that the efficiency of a shorter model would "substantially compromised."

The proposed turbine was for Joe Goni on property zoned single-family 6,000 at 7300 Schulz Drive.

He also told the board he believed the city's height, setback and noise standards might not be enforceable under state statutes which say that local governments must not interfere with the efficiency of renewable energy efforts.

Supervisors, however, disagreed.

"We have OK'd other (wind turbines)," said Supervisor Shelly Aldean, in making the motion to uphold the planning commission's ruling, "and I believe our code is enforceable."

Supervisors were unanimous in their vote.


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