Get Healthy Carson City: Keep accountable for New Years resolutions

Cathleen Allison/Nevada Appeal

Cathleen Allison/Nevada Appeal

This column addresses topics related to the health of our community.

Remember way back in January, when the weather was cold, the year was brand new, and you were full of ideas for all the ways you wanted to improve your life in 2011? How's that going? Maybe some readers have stuck with those New Year's resolutions. To them, we say "Keep up the good work!" and to others, who may have forgotten about their resolutions or given up as the year has progressed, we encourage you to give those goals another look.

Today is June 1, which means the year is not even half over. It's not too late to exercise more, stop smoking, eat healthier, or lose weight. For those of you with fitness goals, the arrival of summer marks the season when we can no longer hide under bulky sweaters, and may be a source of extra motivation.

People fail at New Year's resolutions for many reasons. Maybe you just get too busy, maybe you get discouraged, but maybe you just don't know where to start. If you haven't been successful so far, there is still hope. Here are a few tips to help you get back on track with several popular resolutions.

Lose Weight

Lots of people resolve to lose weight. When exercise is combined with healthy eating, you can develop a great plan to get in shape. Refresh your motivation now that the weather is warm by taking part in some of the great outdoor recreation our community has to offer. There are walking, hiking and biking trails all around Carson City, including many of our city parks. We all know that parks are great places to take your kids for exercise, but actively playing with your kids while there can be a fun way to get in some exercise while bonding with your family. If you want something with more structure, Carson City's Parks and Recreation Department also offers sports teams for all ages. Point your browser to to learn more about the parks and trails, or to look for a sport to join.

Eat Healthier

If you haven't started to change your diet to include more fruits and vegetable yet, why are you waiting? Warmer weather is here, and with it comes more readily available fresh fruits and vegetables. An Early Farmers Market has already started on Saturday from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Greenhouse Garden Center in South Carson, and this is a great way to try out locally grown produce. On June 11, the market at 3rd and Curry streets will open for Saturdays throughout the summer. The Carson-Pony Express Pavilion Farmers Market runs 3-7 p.m. Wednesdays beginning June 9. Look for new recipes that you can experiment with to add more fruits and veggies to your diet. There are even ways to cook vegetables on the grill.

Quit Smoking

The decision to quit smoking might be the most important health decision you can make. Smoking is the No. 1 preventable cause of death in the United States, and it puts you at risk for other illnesses, including cancer and cardiovascular disease. However, quitting can be difficult, and often people have to try many times before they are successful. If you are trying to quit, tell your family, friends and co-workers you are quitting. Set a "Quit Date" and practice saying, "No, thank you. I quit using tobacco." Carson City Health and Human Services offers tobacco cessation counseling to help you kick the habit. For information about our program or for resources to help you quit, call 283-7520.

For more information about Health Department services, check out our website at or visit us on Facebook at Carson City Health and Human Services.


WHERE: Carson City Health and Human Services, 900 East Long St., Carson City

CALL: 775-887-2195

GENERAL CLINICS: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday-Wednesday and Friday by appointment

WELL CHILD VISITS: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays

MEN'S CLINIC: 4-6 p.m. Mondays. Call for an appointment.

IMMUNIZATION DAY: 8:30-11:30 a.m.; 1-4:30 p.m. Thursdays. No appointment needed.

Vaccination is the best defense against the flu. CCHHS offers flu injections for $10.

• Cortney Bloomer and Valerie Cauhape, Carson City Health and Human Services.


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