Timeout with Nicholas Greene

Nicholas Greene Carson High Junior Cross Country

Q: What are your favorite sports and why?

A: My favorite sports are cros country, skiing and track

Q: Who is your favorite professional athlete and why?

A: Roger Bannister, who ran the first sub 4-minute mile ever recorded

Q: How do you feel about drug/alchol testing at the high school level? Should it be random or should everybody be tested once?

A: I believe drug testing should remain annonymous

Q: If you saw a teammate using drugs/alcohol what would you do? Would you talk to him/her about or turn him/her into the coach?

A: I prefer not to answer, but I would say I would not have any respect for that person

Q: What sport(s) have you always wanted to try, but never have and why not?

A: I have lways wanted to try out for the ski team at Carson High, and because of a few friends, I've made up my mind to try and go for it this year.

Q: Do you have any hobbies?

A: One of my favorite hobbies is of course running. I also enjoy reading, learning pointless skills like planking, and I enjoy photography.

Q: What is your favorite food?

A: Cheeseburgers

Q: What is the last non-academic book you read?

A: I recently reread Eragon and I'm currently reading the Bible

Q: Who is your favorite musician or group?

A: Led Zeppelin is one of my favorites right next to Skillet

Q: What has been your most thrilling moment in sports?

A: My most thrilling momnt was last spring when I finall broke a 5-minute mile (4:57)

Q: After graduation., where do you plan to attend college and what are you looking at in terms of a major?

A: I intend to go to WNC where I'll pick up all my minor classes in order to go to a major academic institution like the University of the Pacific. I'd like to become a pharmacist.


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