Past Pages

130 Years Ago

The grand circus parade: Robinson's Circus will have their grand parade down main street on the 21th of July ... The circus features a first class menagerie, two ring performances, brass bands, Miss Christine Stickney, bare-back and four-horse rider, Robert Stickney, leaper, rider ... The company is transported on a train of 41 cars and the menagerie portion numbers 50 cages or vans.

Coming circus and young boys: There are more boys in search of old iron, bottles and other junk out of which to earn the price of a circus ticket than we ever saw before...

120 Years Ago

New bonnets: A woman with an old fashioned bonnet on the 4th would look like sin ... She would be laughed at by the San Francisco visitors who know a thing or two about bonnets ... The way for a lady to appear well on the Natal Day of American independence is to call at once on Mrs. K. Knowles and get rigged out in becoming style.

70 Years Ago

New hanger: At a special meeting of the Ormsby county commissioners, Pathfinder Flying Service of Carson City was authorized to construct a hangar, 60 x 120 feet in size. At the end of the war, the large hangar may be removed by Pathfinder or if left, will become the property of the county.

50 Years Ago

City Councilman Max Faylor has filed for Justice of the peace, opposing incumbent Judge Peter Supera. He has resided in Carson City with his wife and two children for six years. Faylor previously served with the Carson City police department.

30 Years Ago

Jean Ford, D-Las Vegas, told an Equal Rights Amendment rally, "Women must get involved in politics because every issue is a woman's issue."

10 Years Ago

Photo caption: Darrell Rasner will sign with the Montreal Expos. Montreal selected the Carson High grad in the second round with the 46th pick overall in the Major League Baseball draft.

• Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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