Past Pages July 3

130 Years Ago

There were 145 patients moved from the private asylum of Dr. Clark at Stockton to new quarters in Reno. All seemed to feel a responsibility for the safety of the patients, together with a humane sympathy toward the unfortunates. The new home has been provided for them by the wisdom of our last Legislature.

120 Years Ago

All sorts: San Francisco visitors says Carson is the prettiest town of its size... A number of them viewed the beautiful panorama stretching around them from the dome of the Capitol and were charmed with the rich fields...

70 Years Ago

Burlesque: Men will show ladies how to wear dresses at the Catholic lawn social under the sponsorship of the Y. L. I. ... Ranging from gowns with many petticoats, pantalets and all the frills to the latest scantiest flimsy-whimsy, the masculine form will indeed be displayed at its very best... The dress rehearsal was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Meyers.

50 Years Ago

Lt. Gov. Rex Bell died of a heart attack in Las Vegas. Gov. Grant Sawyer said, "I join the thousands of Nevadans and Americans in paying tribute to Rex. We will miss a great colorful, warn hearted friend."

30 Years Ago

The spaceship Columbia with its four astronauts sent a star-spangled salute and prepared to wind up the space shuttle's final test mission with a Fourth of July touchdown at Edwards Air Force Base.

• Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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