Past Pages

130 Years Ago

Flying machines: Germany and Russia are experimenting in flying machines for war...They ignore the ridiculous inflated gas-bag ... a gigantic derelict and will adopt the principle of the inclined plane pressed against the air and thus capable of making some attempt to regulate its own course ...Then the problem of flying in still air will be solved ... Whether we shall ever be able to ride the storm is another matter (Pall Mall Gazette).

120 Years Ago

Whist Club: The Whist Club went to the Lake and took a spin on the Meteor... The waves rolled so high on the return trip that several members experienced a regular sea sickness.

70 Years Ago

Airplanes will be used to battle the Mormon crickets in Monitor Valley, San Andrea... An airport can be operated over infested areas. Scouts using signal flags will locate concentrations of crickets and signal the plane pilot where to drop poison.

50 Years Ago

Women for Peace picketed the main gate with a "ban the bomb" demonstration at the Nevada Test Site. Mrs. Eleanor Garst spokeswoman said, "...this is especially important in Southern Nevada where the population is so close to the site of the testing."

30 Years Ago

Photo caption: Presidential shake - Clark Russell, chief executive officer of the Ormsby House Hotel Casino in Carson City attended a White House reception where he and other members of the U.S. Small Business Administrations National Advisory Council met with President Reagan to discuss the status of the economy and the needs of small business in the nation.

10 Years Ago

Nevada's State Prison's death chamber may never be used again. Twenty men have entered through a submarine-type door to die. Warden Mike Budge called the half-century-old 9-foot by 12-foot death chamber "almost medieval."

• Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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