Past Pages

130 years ago

Dr. Cary Cox has a gold mine in Cherokee county, Oregon. The other day hands were sinking a shaft when at six feet below they came upon two pieces of marble, shaped like human heads. The work was finished well, and done by a good craftsman. In appearances, the heads had never been disturbed and were sitting on a bed of slate, surrounded by clay. Near the mine is a bed of marble, which head are hewn from, but the question is, how did they get under six feet of clay?

100 years ago

Mabel E. Hamilton of San Francisco became the bride of Dr. Herbert Yerington, Rev. McCreery officiating. Dr. Yerington is in many ways a home man. He was reared in this city and has a large circle of friends. He is established in his profession in San Francisco.

70 years ago

Governor Carville is appealing to Nevadans to give old rubber available to fill an unprecedented demand. During the first day of the drive, 200,000 pounds of rubber was collected statewide.

50 years ago

(Photo caption) Dennis George of Sparks, recently elected Boys State governor addresses the joint Boys State session in the Capitol Building this morning.

20 years ago

Some local doctors are threatening to be on-call at Carson-Tahoe Hospital unless they start getting paid for services for indigent and other non-paying patients.

10 years ago

Clark and Sullivan Constructors finish the remodeled Carson City courthouse for Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa. The $2.7 million project gutted everything but the concrete core and floors.

• Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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