PREPS: Carson unable to generate offense

SPARKS - Spanish Springs scored two in the first inning and added single runs in the fourth and fifth to beat Carson 4-1 in a Norhern 4A baseball game on Saturday.

Carson, 2-1 in league play, hosts Spanish Springs on Tusday at 3:45 and McQueen on Thursday at the same time.

"It was a pretty clean game," Carson coach Cody Farnworth said. "We made one error and I think they made one error. We left bunch of people on base though. We had six strikeouts, so we've got to do a better job (of making contact)."

Carson led 1-0 when Brock Pradere walked, moved to third on a double by Rory Petersen and scored on a fielder's choice by Luke Maher.

Spanish Springs scored two in the first against Casey Wolfe and added another in the fourth. Drew Moreland threw the last two inings, allowing a run in the fifth.

"Casey left trailing 3-1, and if we only give up three or four runs we should win the game," Farnworth said. "We hit the ball hard today. Their centerfielder made a couple of diving catches."

Pradere led Carson's offense with two hits, while Petersen, Copoulos and Charlie Banfield added one each.

Dayton sweeps Lovelock

DAYTON - The Dust Devils knocked off Lovelock twice, Saturday 4-1 and 7-6, to improve to 3-0 in Northern 3A play.

The Dut Devils will visit Yerington Tuesday.

In the opener, it was all Jack Phillips and Michael Dieneman.

Phillips went 3-for-3 with a two-run homer in the sixth and a run-scoring triple in the fourth. Sam Hadley went 2-for-3.

Dieneman picked up the win, striking out four and allowing one walk. He yielded four hits.

In the second game, the Dust Devils scored three runs on a walk, three wild pitches and two errors to wipe out a 6-4 deficit and win by a run.

Nicky Selmi picked up the win in relief.

Elliott King, Taryn Aguilera, Sam Hadley and Payton Morena all had a hit. Hadley and Morena scored three times apiece, while Aguilera and King had an RBI apiece.


Dust Devils win two

DAYTON - Makayla Shadle pitched two good games to lead Dayton to a sweep of Lovelock, 10-0 and 9-3.

Shadle allowed three hits and struck out 13 in the 10-0 win. The game was stopped after five innings on the mercy rule. Shadle also went 4-for-4 at the plate and scored a run.

Kalee Alexander also went 4-for-4 and she drove in a run. Cheyanna Burrows and Devlyn LaHair each went 3-for-4 and drove in two runs.

In the 9-3 win, Dayton broke open a 1-0 game with three in the third and two more in the fourth. Shadle allowed three runs and seven hits while striking out 17.

LaHair and Kelly Combs each had four hits and three RBI, while Shadle went 3-for-4 with a solo homer.

Douglas loses thriller

MINDEN - McQueen took an early 4-1 lead and held on to defeat Douglas 6-5 in a Northern 4A softball game on Saturday.

The teams were scheduled to play a second game, but got snowed out afer one inning with Douglas leading 1-0.

Aaliyah Paxson, Kale Duryee and Illiana Brown all had two hits in a losing effort. Brown and Duryee had Douglas' only RBI.


Grunert shines at Aqua 5

Tim Grunert placed third in the pentathlon at the Aqua 5 meet at the Carson Aquatic Center on Saturday.

The Aqua 5 pentathlon combines times from the 50 free, 100 fly, 100 free, 100 back and 100 breast.

Grunert clocked a 4:21.46 in the five events (23.75, 1:00.66, 52.83, 1:01.57 and 1:02.65) to place third behind Nick Bartolli of McQueen (4:15.70) and Douglas' Kyle Johnston (4:17.27). He won the 100 breast in 1:02.65.

On the girls' side, Sophie Holmes placed 11th with a combined time of 5:28.17.

Eli Everest was second in the 100 back (1:00.60), 11th in the 50 free (28.39) and seventh in the 100 free (1:00.72).

Holmes was 10th in the 50 free (28.39) and eighth in the 100 free (1:00.82).


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