Letters to the editor

Co-workers were tax earners

The folks I worked with in government were tax earners, not tax takers as Bob Thomas enjoys calling them.

They were innovative, industrious and focused on providing their clients with a great, tangible product at the lowest possible cost. If the selfless fools hadn't worked for less each year, I'd call them entrepreneurs.

Russ Law

Carson City

Students want to learn about Nevada

The fourth grade at Aviston Elementary School, located in southern Illinois, is learning about the United States and the different environments, climates, resources and highlights found in each region.

The kids in the class think it would be fun to receive postcards, souvenirs, resources or any information about our great country from each of the 50 states. We hope that people who read this letter will be interested in mailing our class items pertaining to their state. Our address is:

4th Grade at Aviston Elementary

350 South Hull St.

Aviston, Illinois 62216

A sincere "thank you" to anyone who is able to contribute! We appreciate the excitement you will add to our learning experience.

Mrs. Niemeyer and class

Aviston, Illinois

Don't miss 'None of the Above!'

"None of the Above!" is a hilarious revue of songs, dances and sketches of political satire. Whether you're a Democrat, Republican, Independent to Libertarian, Carsonite Robert Leonard Reid's play is one not to be missed!

My family and I were very impressed with the content and 8 actors of Wild Horse Theater Company.

The play, directed by Jeffrey Scott, is at the Brewery Arts Center, and you have one more weekend, Nov. 2-3 to see it and laugh until you cry.

No debate about it.

Julie Linstroon

Carson City


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