Past Pages for Tuesday, April 16

140 years ago

A visit to Eberhardt and Aurora. On Wednesday last we visited the chamber of ore in North Aurora through the Ridsdall Chamber, 40 feet in height and 100 feet wide and averaging $10 to $40 per ton. We also entered the De Pas Chamber (step chamber) a break or dislocation of Treasure Hill. We then went to the Peerless Chamber, which would require too much space in our small paper to give a more extended description of this wonderful mine.

130 years ago

The Latest. The gossips about the ghosts a few evening since had skeptics visiting a boy medium, tying him up and insisting he play a guitar ten feet from him. The boy never moved and the guitar played for ten minutes.

100 years ago

Word has been received that Josiah Day, one of the best-known pioneer residents of this city, died at his daughter’s home in San Diego. He came around the horn in 1830, and ran the Day farm for 40 years. He assisted in building the Mint, Capitol and worked on the first shift of the Brunswick Mill.

70 years ago

In an order designed to keep more horses on the hoof, the office of price administration in Washington today place horse meat under uniform dollars and cents ceiling prices.

50 years ago

The White House announced today that Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy is expecting a baby.

20 years ago

One of Nevada’s first set of quadruplets born to the VanSickles makes a debut at their Carson City home.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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