Darrell Moody: A-Rod: Go away… please

I just wish the A-Rod mess would go away — soon. It’s taken up way too much newshole for way too long.

Rodriguez is guilty as hell, and everybody in and out of baseball knows it. At one time he told Katie Couric that he didn’t use PEDs, and then comes clean two years later. And now, baseball appears to have overwhelming evidence that he’s did in fact use them. The have so much evidence that MLB suspended him for the rest of 2013 and the entire 2014 season; more than 200 games.

A-Rod is appealing, and by baseball’s labor laws, he’s allowed to play during the appeal process. How ridiculous is that? Why hasn’t baseball called for an immediate hearing? The longer this festers, the worse it is for MLB. It takes away from what is happening on the field, and that should be the most important things. I applaud baseball for spending the money it obviously took to bring the cheaters down. I still think 50 games is too light even for a first offense. The only things these guys understand is being hit in the pocketbook. You have to hit them where it hurts, and hit them hard.

The pocketbook is the main reason why A-Rod is fighting this so hard, and why the Yankees are sitting on their hands. The Yankees owe A-Rod a ton of cash, and missing 200-plus games would have hurt him financially. The Yankees, whether they want to admit it or not, were hoping for a lifetime ban so they could get out from under the contract. I don’t have any sympathy for the Yankees because they were stupid enough to offer him that kind of money to begin with.

A-Rod has hit a ton of homers in his career, and now it makes me wonder how many of those were legit. Was A-Rod always juiced up?


I found it very interesting that the Miami Heat signed injury prone Greg Oden recently. Oden has had three surgeries, and his NBA career really never got off the ground. Oden will make $1 million a season, and that’s a cheap investment for the world champs.

If Oden can be remotely close to the player he was at Ohio State, he will give the Heat some defense and rebounding inside and allow Chris Bosh to play away from the basket.


Two guys that I would love to see at next year’s American Century Championship are Colin Kaepernick and Bill Murray.

I asked Phil Weidinger, the PR guru in South Tahoe, whether Murray had ever been invited. Weidinger said Murray has been asked a few times, but because of his allegiance to the tournament at Pebble Beach he has declined. Come on Bill, it’s OK to play in two celebrity tournaments in one year.

Can you imagine Murray and the fans on 17? It would be wild.

Kaepernick would obviously be a great draw. Because of his career at Nevada and fast start with the Niners, he’s in demand. I’ve always been a Kaepernick fan when I covered the Pack several years, but he’s doing some things to draw my ire. Flexing his biceps when he scores. Really? Come on Colin, act like you’ve been there before. The worst was wearing shades to the ESPYS. Are you kidding me? He may think it’s cool, but it really isn’t.

I talked recently with Don Marchand, who has been trying to get Kaepernick to appear on his radio show, but Kaepernick’s reps haven’t made that happen. Remember your roots Colin. Nevada was the only school to offer you a scholarship for football.


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