Past Pages

130 Years Ago

Legislature: A lively assortment of senators, assemblymen, promoters arrived in the city and began to storm the hotels for rooms... There is a general feeling that it is time to open the state safe and dump out the contents. The session will be shorter, but it will howl from the start.

120 Years Ago

An unnatural union: A Utah paper derides the idea of joining Utah and Nevada. The men in charge of this contemporary do not know that they were once one territory.

70 Years Ago

Cupid's messenger is the name given a box car by a man who observed the following note scrawled in red on car numbered 14512 of the Rock Island Line. "A Bachelor: please write Sino Santini, Joliet, Illinois."

50 Years Ago

Population: 400,000 people make Nevada 48th in the nation. Nevada is growing at the fastest rate. "This is a happy occasion for us," Gov. Sawyer said. "And I'm especially pleased that our personal income, employment and other activity are keeping pace with this population surge." The state is gaining 3,000 new residents each month...

30 Years Ago

Governor elect-Richard Bryan says "You've got to stabilize the patient first, then begin to building him up," and it will be the operating philosophy of his administration as his prepares the budget for the 1983 Legislature.

10 Years Ago

Company claims birth of first-ever human clone: A healthy 7-pound girl nicknamed Eve was delivered by C-section. The girl is an exact genetic copy of the American woman who gave birth to her. Cloning experts were skeptical or reserved judgment on the announcement which is touching off ethical, religious and scientific debate...

• Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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