Abowd honored at Human Services Awards

Carson City Supervisor Ward 1 Karen Abowd was honored Thursday during the 24th annual Human Services Awards at the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino in Reno.

She was recognized as "Politician of the Year" for her humanitarian work, after having been nominated by Mary Bryan, administrator of Community Counseling Services in Carson City. Abowd was unable to attend because she was at the board of supervisors meeting. Bryan gave Abowd's acceptance speech. Her remarks follow:

"Dear colleagues, friends and all of you who share the commitment to humanitarian efforts, I am thrilled to receive this award for 'Politician of the Year.' It is confirmation that my commitments, both personally and professionally, are in the right place.

"While public recognition is always appreciated, I, like so many others, am simply doing what I can to help my community. There are many among us who perform countless acts of care for others each day without any expectation of, or concern for, their own recognition.

"While receiving an award that includes politician in its title is indeed a humbling honor, I would add that the political hat sometimes presents more challenges than it solves. There is something to be appreciated in what can be accomplished when there is nothing more than the work at hand to consider.

"Each of us here knows we needn't look far to see others who are waiting for someone to show them greater possibility for their life. It may be as simple as a kind word, a smile that gives them the strength to continue, or having the opportunity to learn something that sets them on a path that changes everything in a positive way. Each of us doing a little is the key to creating forward movement and growth for our communities. Sure, there are moments of frustration and challenge. But we continue, knowing each action plants the seed for profound moments of joy.

"I have been blessed to stand in those moments: teaching the young people at St. Teresa of Avila and seeing them take on leadership roles of their own; to see smiles on the faces of those we feed at Tent City each week, knowing they will sleep with full bellies; to see students of all ages gaining self-confidence and skills applicable to their lives by fostering a knowledge of nature along with their role in it, and how they can play an active part in providing food for others in the community through their work at The Greenhouse Project site at Carson High School. One of our special needs students was recently hired by Dave Ruff and Greenhouse Garden Center because of the skills she learned at The Greenhouse. These are my moments of joy and my greatest reward.

"I thank each of you for the role you play in moving your communities forward. And I thank you for honoring me today."

Karen Abowd

Carson City Supervisor Ward 1


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