Letters to the editor for Thursday, May 2

If fence has to be removed, let’s sell it

On the subject of the antique iron fencing, walking with children and preoccupied people is much safer with the fence. I understand that if the parking is put in it would be a detriment but until then, why go to the expense to remove it? If it is removed, the city should make some money selling it.

As far as removing one lane each direction, the only common sense thing to do would be to block off one lane temporarily to see the outcome. It also would be a good idea to find out whether the majority of the traffic is local or tourist. Identify the users, then work with whether they would be stopping to shop on the street if there was parallel parking available.

Before anything is done to restrict the traffic on Carson Street, alternate traffic paths will have to be established. Where is the traffic going to go? The locals (most of the traffic) going from one end of town to the other won’t use Carson any longer.

I have never had a problem parking to go to dinner or shop on Carson Street. Curry Street and the public lots are one block away and all the cross streets have parking.

Sarah Mellon

Carson City

Developers don’t deserve special favors

So a couple of longtime local real estate developers decided to build golf courses (and upscale residential properties surrounding them), knowing they would be competing with the local public golf course. Now that the downturn in the economy has hurt their golf profits, they are asking our city leaders to help them out by eliminating the public owned competition. This would be in the best interests of the residents of Carson City how?

In Saturday’s Appeal, one of the afflicted developers suggested turning Eagle Valley into some kind of theme ranch. If that were such a good idea, why not convert his course into a theme ranch? It will be interesting to see how a couple of our new City Supervisors from the local real estate industry will represent their constituency.

Vince Barnes

Carson City


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