Past Pages for Thursday, May 9

140 Years Ago

Mint: There was 3,630 pounds of crude bullion received at the Mint. Nine Crown Point bars went to London by W. F. & Co. There were 1,522 ounces of mixed bullion for coinage.

130 Years Ago

Hotel arrivals St. Charles Hotel — Geo. Tufly, Proprietor: H. Muller, D. Kinkade, K. Rice, W. H. Winters, E. G. Lord, J. D. Hammond.

100 Years Ago

If the Tonopah Bonanza gives a correct account of the lecture of Miss Anne Martin, we would suggest that if the ladies of Nevada desire to vote, they request Miss Martin to cease lecturing … The militant idea is not a winner in Nevada. (Wells Commonwealth)

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Safeway — Nob Hill Coffee (1 pound), 21 cents (ration stamp required); kitchen craft flour (10 pounds) 49 cents; tomato catsup, 2 for 23 cents; windmill butter, 54 cents for one pound …”

50 Years Ago

New Hampshire is the only U.S. sweepstake state in the union with a legal sweepstakes. There has not been a lottery since the Louisiana lottery went out of business in 1894 …

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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