Carson City Past Pages for Tuesday, May 28

140 Years Ago

Court: An irate Dalmation waiter who serves at one of the hotels smashed a plate upon the head of a Chinese fellow. The broken crockery and scarified China cost the young belligerent $15 adjudged to him by his honor Mr. Justice Witherell. The waiter put up and was not shut up.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: Ladies have the ugliest style gloves that reach half way up to the elbow and wrinkle like a slovenly wool stocking — neither tasteful nor tidy …

100 Years Ago

Roll of Honor — second grade class of Miss Lizzie Sanger: Jack Furlong, Fred Millard, Joe Rochon, Owen McCabe …

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Carson Theatre: ‘Bambi’ — Walt Disney’s famous creation -– The story by Felix Salten, of the coming of age of a faun … Set in a forest of breath-taking beauty.”

50 Years Ago

Photo caption: The Nevada State prison has forced prison officials to hold church services, AA meetings, and Synanon sessions in the old solitary confinement block at the prison. Warden Jack Folgiani says the prison will probably be able to start work on a chapel in the near future …

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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