Timeout withGabrielle Palazzolo

School: Carson High

Year: Junior

Sport: Volleyball

Q: What is your favorite sport to watch on TV and why?

A: Basketball, because I have experience playing the game. Go Lakers!

Q: What are your feelings about the “dress guidelines” at the high school level?

A: I completely agree with the guidelines. The focus should be on your education and not how you look.

Q: What is your favorite sports movie?

A: “42,” the movie about Jackie Robinson.

Q: What sport would you like to see offered at the high school level?

A: It would be awesome if boys volleyball was offered.

Q: If you could pick one place in he world to vacation, where would it be?

A: Italy.

Q: What is your favorite food?

A: Spaghetti and meatballs.

Q: What is the last non-academic book you read?

A: “Hunger Games.”

Q: What class(es) would you like to see offered at your school that currently isn’t?

A: I would like to see more HOSA classes offered at Carson. Maybe an EMT course?

Q: After graduation, where do you plan to attend college, and what will be your major?

A: I’m unsure of where I will attend college, but I hope to pursue a career in Reconstructive Plastic Surgery.

Q: Who is your favorite professional athlete?

A: Kobe Bryant.


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