Past Pages for Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2013

140 years ago

Abraham Curry (continued from Sunday). He was in Downieville as early as 1852 and came to Washoe six years later. In 1859 he and Gould, a blacksmith, located the part of the Comstock known as the Gould and Curry mine. He sold half of that now splendid property for $2,400 and thought he did well at that. Here he came and did more to lay the foundations of Carson City than anyone else (continued on Wednesday).

130 years ago

On Sunday last William Henry, one of the convicts at the prison presented Rev. George R. Davis, a match safe carved out of the stone at the prison quarry. On one side is a fox and a goose, a vase and scroll and two chickens. On one side, each blade of grass is defined. On the birds, each feather is in detail. Warden Bell says it is the best stone work ever turned out at the prison.

100 years ago

A girl never accuses the right young man of petit larceny when he tries to steal a kiss. She thinks it grand.

70 years ago

Governor E.P. Carville and Hugh Shamberger, state director of civilian defense presented to the city of Yerington the coveted “V” pennant for having more than 80 percent of its homes classed as “V” homes.

50 years ago

The hands of time were turned back 99 years, as a page in the past was relived during the gala costume ball opening the 1963 Nevada Day celebration.

30 years ago

Waiting is the worst part. A picture of U.S. Navy Communications Specialist Mitch Johnson of Elko featured on the front page of the Nevada Appeal was the first indication the serviceman was alive and well in Beruit.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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