Manogue no match for Carson

Ryan Galvan and Nicola Silva.

Ryan Galvan and Nicola Silva.

Carson High’s defense was so dominant Saturday afternoon that visiting Bishop Manogue failed to record a shot on goal the entire game.

Cristian Hernandez scored twice in the first half, and the Senators added two more scores in the second half en route to an easy 4-0 win over the outmatched Miners Saturday afternoon in a Sierra League boys match.

Carson improved to 2-1, its second straight win after a season-opening loss to Hug.

“It was really nice,” Carson coach Mehdi Samii. “We still miss Zach (Smith) a lot and his leadership. It’s nice to have Carlos (Alvarado) back. It’s going to take five games to figure out where to place them (position-wise). We have a strong midfield and good depth in the midfield, strong at forward and our defense will improve when Zach comes back. I hope he’s back with us next week.

“We had good teamwork today; good touches on the ball. The first team really played well. We want to win as a team.”

Even without Smith, Alvarado and Adam Shoaf, did a solid job on the back row. The one impressive thing about Carson’s effort is that it really forced the issue with the Miners.

“We knew it would be a pretty easy game,” said Hernandez. “We didn’t let it go to our heads. We played like they were a first-place team.”

Hernandez got the rout going early, chipping a shot over Tony Juarez in the sixth minute. Eighteen minutes later, Hernandez ran down a through ball and beat Juarez again to make it 2-0.

“That put their morale down,” Hernandez said. “We started playing possession soccer after that, and that’s what got them down.”

In the second half, Carson got off 14 shots, two of which found the back of the net.

Brian Llamas scored in the 46th minute to make it 3-0, and Ryan Galvan scored in the 78th minute to conclude the scoring. It was Galvan’s third goal in the last two games.


The Senators got goals from Josilyn Daggs and Mayra Oliveras en route to a 2-0 win over Manogue on Saturday morning to improve to 3-0 on the season.

Daggs, off an assist from Jamie Perez, gave the Senators a 1-0 lead in the sixth minute. Daggs, dribbling down the left center of the field, found the right corner of the net. The rest of the half was pretty equal, as Carson got off eight shots and Manogue five, though Carson’s were better scoring opportunities.

Oliveras gave Carson a 2-0 lead with a goal in the 42nd minute off an assist from Perez.

“It was better today,” Carson coach Greg Lehman said. “The first half we put it together pretty well; got in a good rhythm. We got Manogue off balance. Josilyn did a nice job of finishing on that first goal.

“We took our training to the field. We were able to work on some things we’d talked about in practice, our defensive shape and all 11 players playing defense together.”

In JV action, Carson grabbed a 2-1 victory, as Lauren Hudak and Mallory Otto scored for Carson.


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