Third job fair may be the biggest yet

This column appears in the Nevada Appeal Wednesday health pages. It addresses topics related to the health of our community.

The Workforce Program at Carson City Health and Human Services is teaming up with JOIN, and the Carson City Chamber of Commerce to sponsor another job fair to help Carson City residents find employment.

This is the third job fair of the year. Fairs held in February and in June connected 43 and 59 people with jobs, respectively. The job fair — taking place Friday, Oct. 4 — is also projected to be the largest fair in terms of number of employers participating. In February, there were 36 employers. In June, 45 employers were there looking for employees. Lynn Ellis, Workforce case manager at Carson City Health and Human Services, says event organizers are anticipating 50 employers to participate this time around.

Ellis encourages prospective employees to come prepared for the job fair.

“The employers have choices,” Ellis said. “You are the person that will impress them and make them want to interview you and hire you. This is your opportunity to meet up to 50 employers who are seeking out the right person to fill their job openings.”

To those looking for jobs, she recommends bringing copies of your résumé, dressing as if this is an interview, and following up with the employers that you meet at the Job Fair after the fair is over.

She also encourages jobseekers to be patient. More than 675 people attended the last job fair that took place in June, and lines can be long.

“I know that people see long lines when they arrive at the fairs, however the line moved extremely fast and everyone has the opportunity to meet prospective employers,” Ellis said.

The fair will take place from 2-5 p.m. Oct. 4 at the Carson City Community Center large gymnasium, 851 E. William St. The job fair is open to the public.

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Flu vaccine is available now at both the Carson City Health and Human Services’ Long Street Clinic and at Douglas Community Health in Gardnerville. Mark your calendars, our annual free flu vaccine drive-through event will take place at the Carson City Corporate Yard on Butti Way in Carson City on Saturday, Oct. 5. We hope to see you there.

For more information about other Health Department services, check out our website at or visit us at www.face


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