Shirk questions timing, lack of TV for meetings

Interim City Manager Marena Works told the Carson City Board of Supervisors on Thursday about plans for town hall meetings on capital projects in January, prompting criticism from one board member.

Works said plans are to hold the public meetings Jan. 21 and Jan. 29 regarding projects that include the multi-purpose athletic center, an animal shelter, and city street-scape improvements downtown and along other business corridors. The Jan. 21 meeting is set for 2-4 p.m. at Fuji Park, and the Jan. 29 is set for 5-7 p.m. at the Community Center, she said.

“This is a huge undertaking for our city,” said Supervisor Jim Shirk, noting the first meeting would take place while many people are at work and can’t attend. He also countered Works on not having the meetings telecast.

“I think we need to re-evaluate that,” he said.

The projects eventually would require four-vote passage by the board to approve financing, which would be created by increasing the city’s sales tax by one-eighth of a penny. Such a vote wouldn’t come until at least February.

Works also provided an update on progress toward holding the Nevada 150 Fair at Fuji Park in late July and August, saying it includes having the Comstock Cowboys country musical group play the fair Friday, Aug. 1.

The mayor and supervisors voted to spend an amount not to exceed $99,000 for required testing of the city’s drinking water supply. The contract for the testing will be with Eurofins Eaton Analytical, a California firm, which was the lowest of four checked, according to Utilities Manager David Bruketta.

In other action, the board divvied up some advisory board and committee assignments for 2014; however, the only major change noted was Shirk replacing Supervisor John McKenna as city representative on the board of the non-profit organization overseeing the Eagle Valley Golf course complex.


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