Carson 11-12s fall

Shortstop Brian Gutherie throws a ball to second baseman Jacob Pettay in a game against Reno Centennial on Saturday.

Shortstop Brian Gutherie throws a ball to second baseman Jacob Pettay in a game against Reno Centennial on Saturday.

Center fielder Gryphon Matthies of the Carson 11-12 All-Stars dives for a short fly ball on Saturday in a game against Reno Continental at Governors Field in the District I Little League Baseball Tournament. Carson was eliminated from the tournament in a 23-2 loss to Reno. Justin Stevens had an outstanding day, going 3-for-3, Dylan Roide had two hits, including a double, and a run, Diego Lopez doubled, Matties and Brian Gutherie each added a hit and Vernon Painter scored the other run for Carson.


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