Letter to the editor for Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why are agencies unresponsive?

On July 18, a vehicle struck and killed a fawn that had been in our yard and back and forth across the road in the field where they were born.

We, neighbors and people who drove by repeatedly called Nevada Fish and Game, Nevada Wildlife, animal shelter and the sheriff’s office and requested the poor animal be picked up.

No response, no returned calls. Finally, eight days later, my 91 year old neighbor brought his tractor over and we buried what was left of the poor animal in his pasture after being partially eaten by coyotes and birds.

My question is: Why are these city and state agencies unresponsive? No returned phone calls from their recorded answering machines. Have these agencies become so bureaucratic with tenured employees that they don’t feel they need to respond to residents’ concerns?

David Montgomery

Carson City


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