Scene in Passing: Party loyalty prevails ... to a higher party

Party loyalty requires me to let you know some worthy men are coming to campaign, sort of, in Carson City Friday.

The party involved, however, has nothing to do with politics. Recently the scrivener who provides these musings changed his registration to non-partisan, or as some people prefer, independent.

So this party actually has to do with the party everyone wants to join, the party associated with green beer, corned beef and cabbage, Celtic shenanigans, Blarney from the Emerald Isle, the imminent St. Patrick’s Day, and a wee bit ‘o Scottish brogue just to keep from tippling into trouble, as do most Irishmen.

Me included. But I’m a Scot as well, and there’s nothing quite like a Scot to keep those Irish troubadours from stealing the whole show.

The above near-nonsense is by way of tempting you to attend an evening roustabout, disguised as a concert, at the Brewery Arts Center Performance Hall, 511 W. King St., beginning at 8 p.m. on Friday that will feature the so-called Men of Worth. It will offer up, in music and story form, a journey to the homelands of Scotsman Donnie Macdonald and Irishman James Keigher.

A blandishment, more mundanely called a flier, says the folk duo Men of Worth “will bring Celtic music to life.” Did ye ever hear such silliness? Celtic music is life.

Tickets are $15 for general admission, $12 for students or seniors, and $10 for BAC members. Now on to other mundane but important stuff.

The Employment Policies Institute in Washington, D.C. says Nevada’s teen unemployment rate, based on Bureau of Labor Statistics data, is 29 percent. On Tuesday, I attended a manufacturing conclave in Carson City (see story elsewhere today) at which everyone agreed manufacturing jobs are going begging and the younger generation doesn’t know what a great future such jobs can provide. Think about it.

Jonathan Boulware, Gold Dust West manager and chairman of Carson City’s Convention and Visitors Bureau (CCC&VB) board, missed a CCC&VB board meeting Monday. He had a good excuse. He was celebrating his brother, Richard Boulware of Las Vegas, becoming the first African-American to serve as a federal judge on the U.S. District Court bench in Nevada.

For anyone wondering about my last column’s conclusion -- “Money talks, but people prevail” -- check out words from former Congressman Barney Frank. He was asked what people should understand about the political system.

“That they have more power than they think,” he replied. “That people in my business are much more willing to listen to the voters than the voters understand.”


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