Letters to the editor for Saturday, March 15, 2014

Without help, fracture would have been worse

Believe! Angels are everywhere! I slipped on the ice, fell and fractured. While inching my way up the driveway, a young lady stopped to help. The postman ran up at the same time, helped me off the pavement and said, “Lean into me; I will get you to your door.” I did, and he did.

Without his aid, my fracture could have been much worse. I am now walking without too much aid. Thank you, everyone, for your loving help.

Arlene Jones

Carson City

Good wishes from afar to the Bragg family

My daughter and I live in New Hampshire and are very close friends of the Bragg family and wish we could have been there to comfort them during the trial. I had the idea of starting a petition, mostly to help other family members and friends to have a voice and express their love and support to the family as well as send a message to the Carson City court and jury.

We pray that true justice be served, and not some version of justice. Let the universe be there for the Bragg family.

Jessica L. Kliskey

Manchester, N.H.


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