Nevada Day revisited: 1951 & 1965

From the Nevada Appeal on Oct.  31, 1965: Gov. Grant Sawyer adjusted the crown on the head of Miss Nevada Day as she posed with her trophy and armful of flowers.

From the Nevada Appeal on Oct. 31, 1965: Gov. Grant Sawyer adjusted the crown on the head of Miss Nevada Day as she posed with her trophy and armful of flowers.

Editor’s Note: This continues a series featuring the Appeal’s coverage of past Nevada Days.

Reprinted from the Oct. 30, 1951, Nevada Appeal:

An aerial atomic blast 10 times as brilliant as the “baby” A-bomb that touched off the current nuclear test shot a mushroom cloud skyward at jet speed today but produced only puny shock waves. The detonation, the third in the second series of test at Frenchman’s Flat, appeared much smaller than the superb A-bombs used at Bikini but far larger than last week’s “baby” bomb which showed only a brief dome of light over the horizon to viewers in Las Vegas, 90 miles away.

The tests indicated atomic scientists may have reached — or are rapidly approaching — their goal of producing a weapon of tactical strength for use in troop support — a weapon that would be effective against enemy troops while still not harming U.S. forces.

Today’s flash at 10:01 a.m. momentarily blotted out the sun which had just risen over the Nevada desert.


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