Miller and Spees excellent Democratic candidates

Every election is important and should command the interest and participation of all eligible voters. The Nov. 4 ballot this year is no exception.

A single column can’t adequately cover the 18 office elections, three state Questions and one city Question to be decided by Carson City voters. All candidates and issues could hardly be introduced, much less discussed, so this column is limited to three individual races and brief comments on the questions.

The governor’s election gets first attention, not for the obvious reason but because it’s a non-event. It pains the writer to note the Democratic Party couldn’t produce a credible candidate to oppose Gov. Brian Sandoval. Notwithstanding what one may think of Mr. Sandoval’s qualifications and popularity, it’s embarrassing the party with the largest number of Nevada registered voters has no meaningful candidate. That’s a failure of the party’s leadership at every level.

The contrary example of political courage and commitment is the Democratic candidate for Congressional District Two, Kristen Spees. With no political experience, no campaign organization and little if any support from the Democratic Party, Ms. Spees defeated three opponents for the nomination to take on the incumbent, Republican Mark Amodei.

A young attorney who is fluent in Spanish, she has crisscrossed CD2 talking to everyone she can to understand the needs and desires of all its residents. Her platform is moderately progressive, responsible and focused on good government. Go to her creative website ( for more information on her broad experiences and her views on the issues important to Nevadans. Ms. Spees is dynamic, intelligent, personable, and committed, and she deserves every Democrat’s enthusiastic support and even the consideration of Republicans. Independents are especially invited to help make Kristen Spees the next Congressperson for CD2.

Secretary of State Ross Miller is the Democratic candidate for Nevada Attorney General. He’s a life-long resident of Nevada who was born in Las Vegas and raised in Carson City. As a former deputy district attorney of Clark County and Nevada’s Secretary of State for two terms, Mr. Miller is experienced and imminently qualified to be a strong and effective attorney general from the first day he assumes the office. His opponent Adam Laxalt, on the other hand, has experience in the Navy Judge Advocate General Corps, whose responsibility is to provide “legal and policy advice to the Secretary of the Navy,” according to the JAG website. That is far different than the critical legal issues in Nevada, where Mr. Laxalt has been a Nevada resident for only three years with no public responsibility. Vote for Ross Miller.

The reasons for voting for Mr. Miller apply equally to all Democratic candidates for statewide offices.

Vote “Yes” on all three Nevada Questions to establish an intermediate appellate court, remove preferential tax provisions on the mining industry from the state constitution, and provide new funding for education.

If approved, the city Question would permit the Carson City board of supervisors to seek legislative action to change the way supervisors are nominated. This could result in each supervisor being nominated only by voters within the ward where the supervisor lives, instead of by all voters in the city. Supervisors would continue to be elected by voters citywide. If enacted, voters in each ward would gain increased influence in the election of the supervisor who represents them. Vote your conscience on this Question.

The views expressed of Mr. Statham are his and not those of the Nevada Appeal. Bo Statham is a retired lawyer, congressional aide and businessman. He lives in Gardnerville and can be reached at


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