Letters to the editor for Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2014

Thankful for Nevada Humane Society contract

I want to thank the mayor and the Board of Supervisors for their recent approval of entering into a contract with the Nevada Humane Society to run our existing and soon-to-be-built animal shelter.

For too long, our 50 year old shelter has had the unfortunate perception of being more about animal control than animal welfare. NHS is focused on the well-being of animals, which is a welcome and positive change for our city.

My favorite part of the BOS meeting on Sept. 18 was when the NHS was asked why it would be willing to take on responsibility of Carson City Animal Services and the response was, because it’s the right thing to do. That sums it up in a nutshell.

Shifting shelter responsibility from city workers to a nonprofit that will actually expend more money on the running of the shelter than the city is going to be paying them further proves their intentions. The resources and opportunities that will be available to Carson City for having a no-kill shelter is very exciting.

CASI (www.friendsofcasi.org) was formed two years ago with the simple vision of building a new shelter. It began with one person’s question to the Board of Supervisors — can we build a new one? This dream is becoming a reality. A new shelter will be built and the opening is scheduled for July of 2016. NHS is not building the shelter, Carson City and CASI are. Support them both along with NHS. Dreams can and do come true!

Linda McKenzie

Carson City


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