Timeout with Carson High’s Taylor Krupp

School: Carson High

Sport: Girls golf

Q: What is your favorite sport to watch on TV and why?

A: Volleyball because I enjoy playing and it’s super fast.

Q: Should professional athletes be considered role models?

A: I do feel professional athletes should be considered role models because other athletes like myself want to play as well as them, and if the athlete has someone to look up to, it just makes them want to play just as good and it will push them to get better.

Q: What do you think about the dress guidelines at Carson High?

A: I think the dress guidelines at the high school are perfectly fine. It’s good to enforce modesty at school, especially when you’re representing your school. Students are still able to express themselves.

Q: What is your favorite sports movie?

A: We Are Marshall.

Q: What do you like or dislike about Carson City?

A: I like how Carson City is a small town and that it isn’t big-city like.

Q: What vacation spot have you enjoyed the most?

A: Nassau in the Bahamas.

Q: What is your favorite food?

A: Tri-tip.

Q: What is the last nonacademic book you read?

A: “The Longest Ride.”

Q: Is too much emphasis placed on test scores in education?

A: I feel like too much emphasis is being placed on test scores in education because so many people are worried about what score you got, when really what should matter is if you learned the material or not. Some people are not god test takers even though they know the material.

Q: Who is your favorite professional athlete and why?

A: Michelle Wie because she has worked her way to the top to be the best and I could only wish to be as good as her one day.


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