Past Pages for Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2015

150 years ago

Evening items. A ghost has been seen on the road between Crown Point ravine and the Overman works, late at night within a week or so. It is a man ghost, and since his intentions are not appreciated by several men working in the Overman, perhaps the ghost had better “git up and dust.” He may save his neck.

130 years ago

A private dispatch from Candelaria to a party in Virginia states that the Mt. Diablo and Holmes mines were shut down because the miners refused to work for $3 per day instead of $4, the amount paid heretofore. There is no miner’s union in Candelaria, but there is said to be a movement afoot to organize one immediately.

100 years ago

We are a firm believer in work and the fellow who works. This is a great country and it is so because we are a nation of workers. Work has made us what we are, and more work will make us even greater than we are. There is no end to the possibilities when everybody works.

70 years ago

Lt. Donald Dondero, USNR of 517 W. Second St. was presented the Distinguished Flying Cross at an awards ceremony July 28 at Cecil Field. Lt. Dondero was pilot of a bomber that scored a direct hit on a merchant vessel, even though his plane was badly damaged.

50 years ago

(Photo caption) Ray Stevens, shown here, and his partner, Pat Patterson will defend their world tag team championship belt against Cowboy Jack Lanza and Luis Martinez Monday night at Carson-Tahoe Speedway. Tickets are now on sale at Berger’s Newsstand.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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