Carson City author to hold book signing

Mike Hartman, author of “Jaguarundi,” will be debuting his new book with a book signing at Morley’s Books, 201 W. King St., Saturday.

Hartman, a local Carson City resident, is a retired small business owner and in his free time has been working on his novel “Jaguarundi.” The story is based in Auburn, Calif., and follows an aging small town cop as he tracks a killing duo, who call themselves Jaguarundi after the fierce South African jungle cat, who have been evading the police. Hartman said the story is a murder mystery filled with love, conflict and an intriguing twist at the end that leaves readers shaken.

Hartman will be having his first book signing Saturday during the wine walk from 1 to 5 p.m.. He will give a free signing with the purchase of a book.

“It feels pretty cool,” Hartman said. “I am a people person so I love to interact and I think this signing will be a blast.”

Jaguarundi is Hartman’s second book. He started writing in 2012 after he retired from a long career of working in the railroad field for decades.

“I love a great story, and that is why I love to write,” Hartman said. “Throughout my life and career, I have been told that I am a great story teller, so I decided to see if I could put that reputation to the test by writing one. I’m personally happy with the result, which was the main goal, so if I sell a few copies that would just be icing on the cake.”

When Hartman isn’t writing, he said he can be found in the mountains hiking, playing golf or at the lake or stream fishing for trout. He currently lives in Carson City with his wife Charlene and has three children in Carson City, California and Nebraska, and Hartman said his family has noticed some of his characters resembled traits of his kids.

Jaguarundi, and Hartman’s first book Boomer Wisdom, can both be found on for purchase.


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