Letters to the editor for Saturday, Nov. 7, 2015

The Nevada Appeal is accepting Thanksgiving poems, no more than 100 words in length, through Nov. 18. Email poems to editor@nevadaappeal.com, or fax them to 775-887-2420, or mail them to the Nevada Appeal, 580 Mallory Way, Carson City NV 89701. Poems will be printed on Sunday, Nov. 22.

Solar energy makes more sense

Statistics show that Nevada used more natural gases, motor oil, and coal than any other resource. Nevadans pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars to ship coal and motor oil to Nevada. Since Nevada does not hold many oil wells and contains no coal mines, we must pay to have those types of energy shipped. Location and availability all affect Nevadans’ statistics. Coal and oil hurt the environment, too! They produce greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. They contribute to the greenhouse effect.

Wouldn’t it be more logical to use the solar power that we generate here in Nevada then pay money to get energy from coal when we don’t need it?

Solar energy does not impact the environment in a negative way. Although it does cost money to clear a small part of land and then build the panels, it would be worth it because solar energy is an inexhaustible resource.

Research shows that Nevada produces more solar energy per person than any other state in the U.S. The 64-megawatt solar energy production plant uses solar energy to power over 140,000 Nevada homes; 18 percent of energy that was used in 2014 was solar energy. Approximately 9.8 percent of energy used every month is solar energy. As a concerned citizen, I believe that solar energy is being wasted; instead we are paying high prices for coal and oil.

Isabel Sandoval

Carson City


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