Past Pages for Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2017

150 Years Ago

Items — St. Peter’s Episcopal Church: The frame of the church building in Carson was erected today. There will be Episcopal services with sermons by the Rev. A. E. Hill of California at the Court House at 11 o’clock.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: Mrs. Bowers (Washoe Seeress) is at the Arlington House. A large audience is expected at the Opera House. The spiritualists say the nonbelievers will be astonished.

Judge Leonard returned to Carson City with his wife after a tour of the East. He saw many wonderful sites, but says that he saw no place that he had rather live in than Nevada.

110 Years Ago

Advertisement: “The Bank Saloon — Meyer & Sanger, Proprietors, South Carson Street, Carson, Nevada. The best-appointed Private Card Rooms. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.” (This saloon opened August 19, 1899 and now is called “Jacks Bar” located across the street from the new Ormsby House).

100 Years Ago

Drafted: At the Exchange Hotel Baxter Whitaker will be tendered a farewell banquet. He is scheduled to take departure for the front and has been a member of the band since its inception.

To join the colors: William McInnes, representative in Carson of the Truckee River General Electric company, is bidding goodbye to friends and patrons and will sever his connection with the company. He and three of his brothers have been drafted into the service of Uncle Sam.

70 Years Ago

U.S. Tour of Freedom Train: Governor Vail M. Pittman and executives from 48 other states were in unanimous agreement that a 12-month period would be set aside in recognition to the American way of life. The train will leave on a year-long, 33,100 mile tour. Bearing over one hundred great documents of American history, the visit of the train to various localities will climax a local “Week of Dedication.”

20 Years Ago

Napping: Winston Churchill did it, even Napoleon and Stonewall Jackson between battles. President Clinton and actress Sharon Stone admit to it. According to Professor William Anthony author of “The Art of Napping,” napping is discriminated against. He says society is full of “clappers” (people who hide their napping) and “napaphobics” people ashamed of napping. Few people are proud nappers.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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