Get Healthy Carson City: Check your list twice for holiday toy safety

December is National Safe Toys and Gifts Month. This is a time to remind everyone that some gifts can still be dangerous. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that in 2016 there were 174,100 toy-related injuries treated in emergency departments and seven toy-related deaths. Making wise toy and gift choices this holiday season can go a long way in preventing serious or deadly injuries.

Keep children safe during the holidays and all year long by following these safety tips:

Shopping for Gifts

Check for safety labels that say the toy is nontoxic.

Follow the age recommendations on the package.

Select products with the American Society for Testing and Materials label, which means the product meets national safety standards.

Avoid toys with small parts for children younger than 3.

Purchase toys from retailers you know and trust.

Include safety gear when you purchase riding toys such as bicycles or scooters.

Toy Safety for the Home

Keep up to date on toy recalls. If your child owns an item that has been recalled, remove it from your home.

Clean up after playtime to avoid accidents such as tripping.

Examine toys for pointed edges, broken pieces and other safety hazards.

During the holidays, we give gifts to the ones we cherish and love. The excitement of a child unwrapping a gift can put a smile on anyone’s face and finding the perfect gift for a child is a rewarding experience. This holiday season, shop smart, supervise playtime with toys and remember nothing is more important than the safety of our children. You can find toy recalls by visiting You can also call the CPSC hotline at 800-638-CPSC to report a toy you think is unsafe. Have a safe and happy holiday.

For tips about safe gifts, visit

Carson City Health and Human Services wants everyone to have a safe holiday. For additional resources and information about Carson City Health and Human Services programs and services, check out our website at, “like” us on Facebook at, follow us on Twitter at @cchealthed, call us at 775-887-2190 or visit us at 900 E. Long St. in Carson City.


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