Faith & Insight: Waiting on God’s perfect timing

Waiting is difficult. Nobody likes to wait. God teaches you when you wait. Isaiah 40:31 “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

Waiting is one of the most difficult things to do for those who have learned to put their trust in God. Leaning to put your trust in God takes time. During the time of waiting God teaches you. God grows you. God matures you. God shows you how much you really believe him or doubt him.

As much as we hate waiting, this is what God commands of us today. Waiting on God and his perfect timing gives us hope and allows us to wait with expectation of what is sure to come.

When Jesus ascended up to heaven, he told his disciples to wait for the “Comforter” to come. They waited in that upper room for 10 days after his resurrection and the Holy Spirit came upon them. Waiting gives you God’s plans not your plans. Our church bought land to build on in 2001 and we waited. We never saw the doors open to build. We waited. We prayed and we trusted. Years went by and we waited.

Waiting is not a way of escaping trouble, reality or unpleasant situations. Waiting builds up our faith and allows us to be strengthened in our spiritual walk with the Lord. God opened the doors his way in 2018 to move our church from Mallory Way to South Edmonds. We are thankful for the years of waiting. What are you waiting for? Do not give up asking God. Do not give up believing God. Thank God for the waiting. Do not give up trusting God. Jesus said to his disciples in Luke 18:1 “that they ought to always pray and not lose heart.”

Ben Fleming is the pastor of Silver Hills Community Church.


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