The Dec. 15, 2020, R-C Morning Report

A layer of new snow visible from Stephanie in northern Douglas County.

A layer of new snow visible from Stephanie in northern Douglas County.

Genoa, Nev. — Douglas County Library trustees meet virtually 10 a.m. today at It’s going to be a slog of a meeting with 15 items on the agenda culminating in the annual performance evaluation of Librarian Amy Dodd.

On Monday, Nevada received its first 17,550 coronavirus vaccine doses. The four counties received 455 doses, with 405 of those going to Carson City, 40 going to Lyon County and 10 going to Douglas. Front-line medical personnel are first in line for a shot.

Douglas had 30 new positive cases and nine recoveries on Monday, according to the county’s emergency management. Two presumptive positive cases affect a small group at Piñon Hills Elementary School, according to the school district. Douglas is at 927 active cases and 675 recoveries.

The Coaldale earthquake site is active again with a 4.9 1:20 p.m. Monday and a slough of aftershocks. I swear it would not surprise me in 2020 to see a cinder cone start to rise in that spot.

I had .85 inches of moisture in my rain gauge after everything melted on Monday. Minden had .23 inches from the weekend's storm. Heavenly reported 14 inches of snow total.

We might see a little more sun today as a new storm is expected to arrive on Wednesday. Today expect mostly sunny skies with a high temperature of 49 degrees and not a breath of a breeze.

Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Reach him at


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