Barbara Bruce Olavarria

Barbara Bruce Olavarria

Barbara Bruce Olavarria

Barbara Bruce Olavarria April 23, 1949 - June 1, 2020

Barbara Bruce Olavarria passed away on June 1, 2020 in Carson City, Nevada. She was born on April 23,1949 in Logan, Utah to June and Lyman Bruce. She was 71 years old.

Barbara was an adventurous spirit who loved life with a feisty attitude and a deep caring for all those she loved. Barbara spent most of her childhood living in Winnemucca, Nevada. Her family did move three times during her childhood. First, she lived a year in Juneau, Alaska, then Loga, Utah (her favorite childhood place), and Toledo, Oregon. Then her family moved back to Winnemucca.

In her early years, Barbara spent most of the day playing out of doors. She loved to wade in a little creek near the house and got in trouble for losing her shoes which seemed to always get caught in the current and taken away…even her brand-new Easter shoes! She loved to play hide and seek, kick the can, and her own devised war games with forts and roads and soldiers. She would play dress up in old clothes for hours on end and loved to put different outfits together and look in the mirror to decide how she looked.

She was an intelligent young woman in high school and had many friends. She loved to dance and entertain, and she became a Buckarette in high school. It was an excellent dance team at the high school, and she excelled at it. She was chosen as Miss Winnemucca during her senior year of high school. She learned to work at home and also at the Crème Cone drive-in and the Griddle which taught her how to treat the public and how to work hard. She graduated from Humboldt County High School in 1967.

Barbara went on to attend Brigham Young University but "they" did not agree with her Coca Cola sales or her pet alligator (for some reason?). She excelled at Utah State and in all follow up academics for the rest of her life. Barbara always loved a good joke but the end result was often on you. Her quick wit was never on rest, even to her last day.

She married Jim Olavarria on June 19th, 1971 and they worked very hard together to have a successful business and family. Barbara was an excellent mom who never missed an event and always had high expectations for her daughter Tara. Barbara also took great joy in being "grandma: to Jason's three children and being part of their family.

Eating out and cooking gourmet meals were two of Barbara's favorite past times. She enjoyed planning daily, weekly, and monthly meals for everyone to enjoy. Only the very best ingredients would satisfy Barbara! Most of all, Barbara loved her morning walks with her beloved dogs. They spent endless hours enjoying nature and their loving friendships.

Barbara, mom, and friend, I know you are finally well again! Go enjoy the sunshine, the river and your four-legged friends again. It is unbearable not having you here with us but it brings great joy to know you are finally free again from illness! You are loved and it will be a wonderful time to be with you again, when it is our time!

She is survived by Jimmie (husband),Tara (daughter), Jason (nephew), Claire (sister), and Lyle (brother).

Barbara was preceded in death by her mother June, her father Lyman and her brother Wayne Bruce.

A private family service will be held in Barbara's honor. 


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