Get Healthy Carson City: Celebrating Women’s Health Week

When it comes to taking steps for better health, we know it is not always easy. Every woman has her own approach and is on her own unique and personal health journey. May 10-16 is National Women’s Health Week and Nevada Cancer Coalition is asking women to think about where they are on their health journey, and where they want to go.

Kicking off each year on Mother’s Day, NWHW is focused on raising awareness about simple, positive health behaviors women can take to improve their health all year long. This includes placing an emphasis on preventive efforts like talking with your doctors and getting recommended health screenings, staying active, taking care of your mental health, and of course, quitting smoking.

“Women’s health was once synonymous with reproductive health. Today, scientists recognize that the health of women encompasses all medical conditions. Forward-looking research must consider [factors of] sex and gender, race/ethnicity, social determinants of health, and other influences, harnessing the expertise of many fields.”

–Janine Austin Clayton, M.D.

Take care of yourself

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Women's Health recommends that women take the following steps to improve their physical and mental health, and potentially lower their risk of certain diseases:

Get physical for at least 2 ½ hours each week.

Eat a nutritious diet.

Maintain a healthy weight.

Avoid risky behaviors such as using tobacco, risky drinking or not wearing a seatbelt.

Take care of your mental health by managing stress and getting enough quality sleep

Visit a health care professional to receive regular checkups and preventive screenings. Screening tests, such as mammograms and Pap tests, can find diseases early when they are easier to treat.

We Challenge You!

To get the most out of this week, take our week-long challenge toward a healthier life.

Monday. Starting the weekday can be stressful. Give yourself to a little love today. This can be meditation, yoga, or a relaxing bath.

Tuesday. Today is about exercise. It can be cardio, strength or low impact. Just get your body moving!

Wednesday. It’s hard to find time to cook healthily. Celebrate the midweek hump by cooking a healthy meal for the family.

Thursday. Good health is not just exercise and eating right; it’s about feeling good too! Hop online to share accomplishments with someone and discuss ways you can both live healthier.

Friday. The days are finally getting warmer, so exercise outside today! Whether it is going for a run, bike ride or doing push-ups in the grass, the fresh air will revive you during our distancing.

Saturday. As the week winds down, make time with the important women in your life. A great way to celebrate each other is to join an online exercise class together or talk on the phone.

Sunday. Take time to connect with your personal spiritual path. Most religious organizations are offering online services as we practice social distancing. Connect there, meditate, read an inspirational book, or get out into the natural world.

What about COVID-19 and my health?

Because of COVID-19, most health care centers have postponed screenings until physical distancing conditions have eased. If you had a previous screening appointment and your doctor hasn’t reached out to you, take the time to call and reschedule. Remember, early detection is your best defense against most diseases!

Our severe situation creates challenges for cancer patients who still need to receive treatment and daily medical care. As of this writing, the following advice from the National Foundation for Cancer Research offers guidance for cancer patients dealing with the current crisis:

Stay home. If you do need to go out, wear a face mask. Your immune function is weaker than that of healthy people, so don’t take risks to place yourself in dangerous conditions.

Call your oncologist to ask if you can keep your treatment appointment schedule.

If you have a stable cancer, consult with your oncologist to see if you need to postpone your adjuvant chemotherapy or elective surgery.

Did you know mental and physical health are connected? Paying attention to your mental health is extremely important as we find ourselves isolated each day. Taking care of your mental health helps your body feel better and taking care of your body is just as important for your mental wellbeing. If you find yourself or a loved one struggling, the Office on Women’s Health has set up a number for confidential treatment referral and information on mental health or substance abuse. Call 1-800-662-4357 or visit

Your health is a lifelong journey. Now is the perfect time to commit to taking steps for a healthier you!


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