Careful cooking this Thanksgiving

A Thanksgiving dinner table set for the big day.

A Thanksgiving dinner table set for the big day.

With health officials suggesting reduced Thanksgiving gatherings, some holiday celebrations might be in the hands of less experienced cooks.

While the coronavirus has everyone’s attention, there are a bunch of hazards associated with Thanksgiving that people might overlook while looking over their masks, according to the National Fire Protection Association.

A key tip is to pay attention to what’s cooking on the stovetop and in the oven. Fire officials suggest remaining in the kitchen while cooking on the stovetop, and no matter how fun tossing around the pigskin on the front lawn looks, stay inside when the pies or the bird’s in the oven.

And while watching that turkey slowly tan and boiling cranberries, keep an eye on children who might stray too close to the stove or hot dishes.

There are a lot of recommendations regarding children, including keeping them clear of knives, appliance cords, matches, lighters or lit candles.

Children, pets, toys and bags should be kept clear of the floors to prevent people from tripping over them.

A good preventative measure is to check the smoke alarms to make sure they’ll go off if the cranberry sauce or the turkey burst into flames.

In addition to the hazards, health officials are asking that residents keep gatherings under 10 people from no more than two households, wear masks and keep 6 feet between them.


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